iNeuro40+™: Protocol

iNeuro40+™: Protocol

General Instructions for “neuro40+”

1.    With the adjustments resolved, the participant can relax and listen to the sounds; however, he/she can also participate using their imaginations to focus on positive topics or anticipated improvements in emotions or cognitive abilities.

2.    The effects of the neuro40+ are greatly enhanced if the participant often hums, breathing in through the nose and out through his mouth. He/she usually can “feel” the effects in the head and chest regions, thereby creating an interaction effect relationship with the device. Thus, it would be encouraged to hum a sound that feels in concert with the sounds coming from the neuro40+.

3.    The session should last a minimum of 30 minutes, but will not be harmful for extended time, at least once a day. Extended times of administration can be extended to a week between sessions.

4.    There is a “after-effect” to the period afterward the administration of the neuro40+, which a sound memory of one of the sound frequencies that last for 20 minutes. This is not a ringing sensation, but merely a normal reaction to sound production. 

The instructions are intended for either the participant who is the person receiving the sound stimulation or a helper who is supporting the participant in finding the most comfortable and effective sound ranges for him/her/they.

After setting the program for the neuro40+ program and fitting the ear equipment (buds or headphones). Bone-conduction headphones/earbuds provide the additional tactile stimulation which research has shown to provide additional benefit beyond a single modality. Whichever listening device you choose, stereo earbuds/headphones are required. These options can be changed during the session for effectiveness and comfort. 

The “Disruptor Delta” range is offered and controls the difference of frequencies between the right ear and left ear. The app/device generates a tone from 0 to 20 Hertz greater than the right ear into the left ear: this results in stimulating brainwaves (using binaural beats).

Use a range between 4 to 8 Hertz to stimulate Theta brainwaves… which are related to inducing a hypnogogic state (creativity often related to memory and fantasy production). Alternatively, use a range from 8-12 (Alpha) which is  often used to focus on relaxation.  As such, many participants find it more enjoyable to use their imaginations and prefer the theta range.

The range from 0 to 4 Hertz (termed Delta) is available for those to experiment.

The balance of tone volume between the right and left ear are the last adjustment. This is typically “0”; however, there may be changes based on level of hearing ability that can be addressed so that the sound can be adjusted to center the tone appropriately. 

Steps of participation:

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