Participation Process: DRAFT

Participation Process:

How to Participate in neuro40+ Study

If you are interested in participating in our neuro40+ study, here’s our strategy:

1. We would request a sponsor or partner to hear, validate, agree (or not), the objective of this study. This sponsor would help will be a second resource to either participate directly, or help the primary person with things like: getting the program, getting earbuds, and providing some level of oversight for the process.

2. Need a device upon which the iNeuro40+® can be loaded: iPhone or iPad running iOS v17.0, or higher, is the current requirement.

3. Earbuds (either wired or bluetooth) will need to be connected/paired with the iOS device.

4. Contact us here at BAUD Energetics; upon receipt of a signed “Agreement of Participation and Research Requirements” document (this can be downloaded from this webpage), We will contact you, have a brief conversation, and give you a code allowing you to download the neuro40+ program at no cost.

5. As part of that agreement, you will provide us pre and post session data (neuro40+ LOG which is downloadable from this page). There is no entry for a name, or any details that can be associated with a specific person. Of course, we will have your email with the associated attachment(s); however, we will delete that email eliminating any online association between the user of the neuro40+ and the data. We openly invite you to watch this process should you desire so.

6. We recommend neuro40+® use (neuro40+ protocol) daily for 30 minutes.

7. The log would be populated at every use. NOTE: there are three cognitive metrics we desire, and as associated assessment (downloadable on this webpage) which would need to be given at the start of this process and again at periods whenever you desire (preferably every month).

8. The length of engagement is expected to be six months. This detail would be defined based on specific conditions identified when we speak realtime on the outset of this project.

The objective of this study is to validate our implementation of a 40Hz signal as to enhance a person’s emotion(s) and/or cognitive ability. The existing research around 40Hz is not new. Our implementation of the experience for one to leverage that research is what we hope to validate and prove value in our product.

NOTE: While this study centers around the app (neuro40+®), we can also reprogram a BAUD®… The physical BAUD® costs money, and our inventory is tight; thus, we are not providing free units for this study. HOWEVER, it should be noted that an iOS device is not required to leverage this neuro40+ technology.


Documents to Download for neuro40+ Study

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